The “Informational Society” does not exist only in the realm of conceptual speculation, it is here and now, consequence of the process of transition towards algorithmic governed cities and global communication. It refers to the society that results from technological dominance, which absorbs materiality and metamorphoses it, creating a digital analogue.
The convergence of the virtual and analogical experiences is allowing us to establish new survival strategies and power relations. The haecceity of society is opposing its quiddity, that is, the elements which differentiate us are blurring behind the general characteristics that bonds us. The greatest sources of political mobility and association exist in what I call “technological prototypes of transition”. These are entities that appear in different scales and form alliances which at the same time create a “Superstructure of conflict”, in which society is now generating its own opportunities for challenging the stablished centralized power. The informational Superstructure contains speed, machinery, braveness, violence, conflict, and youth, it is an analogue of Russian futurist ideas. Sharing, broadcasting, learning; the prototypes project in the superstructure a representation of society free from many material anathemas. These models of transition work in coordination and never isolated and are permitting social and political movements to succeed without a fixed organizational structure, thanks to the strong virtual relations stablished between them. Power institutions shape the social organizations in base of their interests, now, assuming the Digital as part of our reality, power is metamorphosizing, and so we should hunt for Utopias at every moment.